Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Free White Rose :D

     So there's a prize for buying 500 ag for a tribute to the opening of the Sacred Hall area. And i was like kwl I'm going to earn FB credits and buy ag but i never did. I just earned ag i had 1,503 ag then i spent it on a cute purple dog (boy)(☼Rosco☼). Then i spent my 100 ag out of 1,103 ag in the gacha Gothic Mansion and i got a white eye patch, and a lamp. I was on at 2:30 am but then i fell asleep and went to bed. My lil sis ( Jennifer) woke me up and told me 2 get her ag and i was like no I'm tired, and i went bakk to bed. Then i woke up and got on the other computer I had one message on my message board. Then it said i had unread mail and then i read it and I was like ZOMG a message from Chloe i got the white rose. But i didn't buy any ag and im all like omg omg, but now I'm like whatever free shit for me. lol. Thanx for Reading. 

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